Donation For Breast Reduction Surgery For Young Lady

 Our Sister by name Vuyiswa from South Africa, is in dire need of money to undergo a breast reduction surgery. Her monthly income is not enough for the total amount of money needed to have the surgery done but at the same time she needs to undergo this surgery urgently because her current situation is taking a toll on her health.

 Below is Vuyiswa's post on facebook:

"My name is Vuyiswa Nomcebo Buthelezi, 25 years of age, from Mtubatuba but work and stay in Pinetown. Iam looking for funding for my breast reduction surgery.

I have tried to ask the medical aid that I was using, but they do not cover the surgery. It's sad to see many medical aid schemes  name Breast Reduction as cosmetic when it's actually a medical procedure that can improve any woman's health suffering from Macromastia.

I'd like to ask for any amount of donation because I cannot afford to save or have that particular cash for my reduction as I don't earn much.

It will take me many years to save up. I have severe back pain because of my big breasts pulling and I'm short, so most weight comes from the boobs, bras dig deep on my shoulders causing me pain and leaving me with scars not to mention the daily headaches and depression that comes with having large breasts. I've tried the public hospital way but when I went there, there were more than 300 ladies on the waiting list that it will take me years for it to be my turn.

My breasts have been bothering me since high school where I was prescribed strong painkillers by my doctor in order to lower my back pains and as time went by they grew more in a way that I couldn't maintain them because by then I was not working and my late mom wasn't too.


The severe backpains are mostly unbearable especially whenever the weather is cold or rainy, I'd lie down on my bed and on my back to ease the backpains that are on my spine or else take some Tramadol pills that I was given by the nurse at RK Khan Hospital to ease or sleep away the pain.

I'd be really happy to do my reduction because the breast growth is making it difficult for me to buy a fitting bra hence the big bras are very expensive and my size is 48DD.

Any amount of donation will be appreciated because I think if I don't have my breast reduction surgery done, it could cause serious damage to my spinal cord.

Some Plastic Surgeons charge to do the reduction procedure for approximately R60,000.00 including/excluding some meds to take home.

Please help me raise funds for my Breast Reduction Procedure. This procedure will improve my health well-being and restore my life as a woman. Thank you.

Here's the link for my Breast Reduction Procedure, please back me up. You can click the link below to make your donation.

Please forward my campaign to all your friends and family, on Twitter, Facebook or WhatsApp. May you be Blessed abundantly. "


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